Bob - If you ever wanted to be...
A Treasure Hunter, you know, one of those Geeky looking people on the beaches with
headphones on, swinging a metal detector back n forth for what looks like hours.
Well, here what you can find in about 12 hour's of hunting after a big storm
blows through... :) lol
Here�s a summary of my hunting.
These are the results from a Thursday and Saturday evening, and a Sunday morning. I spend about 2 to 3 hours detecting each time out.
I'll start with the Junk... lol... Woops Today's Dawn, Sunday Morning.... A pretty nice one.
Here�s a summary of my hunting.
These are the results from a Thursday and Saturday evening, and a Sunday morning. I spend about 2 to 3 hours detecting each time out.
I'll start with the Junk... lol... Woops Today's Dawn, Sunday Morning.... A pretty nice one.

Ok, Now with the Junk...

2 Bottle Caps and 24 parts of aluminum cans...
26 holes dug, and filled in...

Knife blade, and some rusted parts that still rang clear as a bell as if they were nonferrous, ( NOT IRON.... )
30 holes dug, and filled in...

12 Aluminum Flip Tops... ( They pretty much sound like all modern day coins do, especially the New ones... )
42 holes dug, and filled in...

17 fishing sinkers... (Sorry 2 are not in the picture...)
59 holes dug, and filled in...

3 keys, a 22 bullet, electronic component, half a round piece of metal, and a smiley thingy. 60's anyone....
66 holes dug, and filled in...

11 copper / aluminum wire parts...
77 holes dug, and filled in...

24 pieces of copper / brass thin sheet pieces...
101 holes dug, and filled in...

3 pieces of what is probably cast iron that has lead as a sealing material, plus some assorted rusted iron that was laying on the beach.
109 holes dug, and filled in...

9 fossil parts of turtle shell's. don't ask me what kind... lol These can be found on the beach on Hutchinson Island...
Still at 109 holes dug, and filled in... Woops not Pictured is a pair of Fozzil Sunglasses...

Coins.... $10.99 total... $4.75 in Quarters, $4.40 in Dimes, $1.30 in Nickels, and $.44 Pennies. ( 133 holes....)
242 holes dug, and filled in...

1 Gold Plated Women's bangle, and a men's chain. Nice and heavy chain, with at large clasp, but no markings, so it's probable junk....
244 holes dug, and filled in...
And Last but not least;

3 rings. Top is 14k with 3 diamond chips. Middle is 14k, and the bottom one is a corroding 10k men's ring that is inscribed " Tyler and Priss ".
All told that's.... 247 holes dug, and filled in.... lol....
My legs ache, my back aches, and my left hand has a blister at the base of my index finger from using the sand scoop digging up all this stuff....
Cost to get all this Great Stuff....
You figure it out... 400+ miles at 36 MPG. at least 4 meals out at fast food restaurants and 8 AAA batteries....
Anyway, the weather was perfect, I got to view some nice sunsets, and sunrises, and was out in the fresh air, BUT, I still need to find that nice 1+ carat diamond ring someone lost, so I might just break even at this hobby....