On a blustery day in November with morning temperatures hovering around 45, several members of the club met up at Pepper Park, just north of Ft. Pierce for a day of metal detecting.

(L-R) Pat, Bob, Jim, Marty, Deb, Tom, Dave, John
With hopes of finding more than just an odd coin and such, everyone spent the morning detecting on the beach as the temperature quickly rose up to a comfortable 60 or so, but the ever relentless winds kept us wearing jackets and caps.

Rea-Lynn and Tom.





Just around 11am, Jim got a signal, and like all of us, he started to dig. I wonder what it could be.....

After a bit, Tom and Marty came to take a look.

Marty lends a hand to get to the bottom of this.

Finally Tom gets into action. Talk about going deep!
( Ummmm... Treasure... Maybe... )
I believe in the end after almost reaching china, they discovered a large piece of fence material.
Well about 12:30 everyone gathered up for the Main Event, a treasure hunt for various items including; tokens, coins, and metals. Bob setup a 40 by 120 foot hunting area, marked off with 4 metal poles on the upper part of the beach. Rea-Lynn had the honors of starting the contest, as everyone had about 20 minutes to locate and dig up as many items as they could. There were about 170 or so items dispersed in this hunting area, with about 80 of them being small 5 centavos pieces. The winner of the event would be the one gathering up the most of these. The rest of the items were prizes, finders keepers...

The main hunt underway.
The Club awarded prizes to the first three places. First place got a Trophy, GPAA Buzzard Commerative Coin, and a 3 piece setup including a Digging Tool, Clip-on Towel, and Item Holder all supplied by KellyCo Metal Detectors . Second and third place were awarded three piece setups.
And the Winner is...

First Place. Marty with 27 of them.

(L-R) Pat came in second place finding 13,
Marty with his grand prize trophy,
Debbie came in third place with 7.
After the event we all talked about our finds over lunch in the parking lot. No buried 1715 Spanish Treasure was found this day, but I think everyone had a great day, and will treasure the memories. In the afternoon many of us headed out again detecting the beach to the south of the parking area, and rechecking the Event's hunting area in case anything was left behind. Temperatures dropped pretty quickly as the clouds built up about 3:30. All in all this was a great day.
At this time I'd like to give a special thanks to KellyCo Metal Detectors , as they supplied our club with the great trophy, and 3 sets of items for the club. (Digging Tool, Clip-on Towel, and a tie on waist belt to store finds. Hip Hip Hurray!!!!
And thanks to Rae-Lynn for taking these great pictures, and supplying us with her wonderful meatloaf sandwiches. :)