Spring "Gold Fever" hit, and I had to head up to North Carolina and attend the GPAA/LDMA Vein Mtn. Outing held on May 12th - 16th. It's been 2.5 years since my last GPAA event, and overall this was even better then the first.
Fellow Club Members Bob and Camile also attended and it was nice to see some old friends whom I met at the last outing. I also made some new friends whom I hope to see at our meetings, and future outings.

Vein Mtn's welcome sign.

Muddy creek.

The common highbankers at work.

a Mini Trommel also used for the common.

Bob and Camile Dredging.

Wild Strawberrys... One of the many spring pleasures.

Friday night's entertainment.

Sunday morning's Auction.

Caretaker John with an Item.

The Gold for the main nugget Draw.

Staffer's ready for the Draw.

Nice Hat Ed.

Camile digging for that good number.

Looks like Bob didn't get #1.

Bob and Camile's nice grouping of pickers.
Along with a nice group of pickers each draw had, there was the bag of concentrates from the common operation. Everyone during their free time who wanted to, was able to work the same common material for a bit of extra gold.

Working a bucket of dirt.
Another reason for attending, is meeting other miners, swapping stories, and seeing first hand some of the gold thats been discovered recently. Below are a couple of examples.

A stunning example of quartz inlaid with gold from a hard rock mine that was checked out with a metal detector for hot spots. This was the smallest of the specimens they extracted, and the only one brought to the outing.

A nugget everyone dreams of one day finding. 1 ounce shy of 2 troy pounds, which is loosing weight at every show the owner attends, as everyone gets to hold it and rub it a bit for good luck.