After the 2 day Gold show our chapter had the opportunity to have a three day outing
at the LDMA Vein Mtn. site. This turned into a bit of a wet and muddy adventure
but a good time was had by all.
Monday began with the unloading of Mikes gear, dry fitting his highbankers, and setting up equipment for most of the morning. Tom Massie was onsite with his Gold Fever film crew doing a bit of filming for an upcoming show. Our chapter put in a good 5 hours of highbanking with a slight drizzle in the air at times.
Monday began with the unloading of Mikes gear, dry fitting his highbankers, and setting up equipment for most of the morning. Tom Massie was onsite with his Gold Fever film crew doing a bit of filming for an upcoming show. Our chapter put in a good 5 hours of highbanking with a slight drizzle in the air at times.

Unloading Mikes trailer.

Steve and Colleen.

Mike, Chris, and James dry fit a highbanker.

Tom Massie doing a bit of filming on site.

Chris has his Keene going.

Tom Massie and crew at the highbanker area.
During Monday's highbanking Tom came over and did a bit of filming with our chapter. Let hope we make it off of the cutting room floor and into one of the shows. With the day over, most of us cleaned up a bit, and headed out for a great dinner.

Dinning out on Monday Evening.

Got to love all your can eat...
Tuesday, started like Monday, cloudy with drizzle, but by early afternoon it was pouring down on us. We called the common operation over by about 2pm.

Chapter members at play.

Colleen getting some gold.

Connie must know there's some in there.

James and Steve doing a cleanup.

Bob and Colleen about to classify the concentrates.

Chris and Bob creating the bags for the split.

James picking his lucky bag.

Steve's RV, our Chapter's home away from home.

Steve relaxing in the RV...

Wednesday, members worked Muddy Creek.
The last day there, members worked Muddy Creek a bit.  Chris dredged some, while Colleen, James and Steve kept at the highbanking.
Time passes fast, and the before you know it the outing is over. Just wait until the next one.