Other Weekender Outings:   2016,   2014,   2013,   2012

Weekenders, Sept. '12 - Georgia Gold Prospecting.

Here's a few photo's from the chapter's outing at Georgia Weekenders in Sept. 12, over the Labor Day weekend.  Looks like the members had a great time, with mother nature cooperating with the weather.

Dredge ready for fun.
    Stairs down to the river.
Dredge ready for fun.
    This one ready to go.

No Clogs Here.
    4 inch Nozzle guard.
Pull that cord !
    Doug ready to start her up.

Looking good
    Everyone in the river.
    Chris having fun.

Jim and Tom
    Jim and Tom working the same hole.
    Jim at the Nozzle.

    Doug starting a hole.

Several holes here.
    A dredgeing we go.
Jim Panning
    Jim starting to pan a scoop of cons at the chapters Sept. meeting."

Yella Gold
    A bit of color from about 3 scoops of cons.