Other Lucky Strike Outings:   2020f,   2020s,   2018,   2017,   2016f,   2016s,   2015f,   2015s,   2014

Lucky Strike, Oct '14, North Carolina Gold.

     All hands on deck.   Man the highbankers !

Early October the chapter headed up to the Lucky Strike Gem and Gole Mine located in the North Carolina Gold Belt.  Lucky Strike is not too far from the LDMA Vein Mtn. camp and most LDMA members will pass right by on their way to Marion, NC.

    First sighting of the Appalachian Mountains in the distance.

    Lucky Strike's panning area, and camp Kitchen.

This was a weekend outing, with members arriving as early as Thursday.  This gave them an extra day of prospecting on friday.

    Nice mascot.

    The stream behind the campsites.

    Fall is in the air.

    Nothing better then camping.

    Is the bacon ready yet ?

Friday was a mixed bag when it came to the weather.   it started out a bit overcaset, then there was about 3 hours of light rain.   Well most of it was light.

    cooking chunky homestyle potatos.

    Feed that mini tromel.

    Working one of the highbankers.

    What Rain ?

    This shovel full has the nugget, I just know it.

    Get every rock clean before you toss it.

     A bit of dredging on Friday.

     Nice creek.

    Check out those TBones.... (Yum)

    Nothing like a good meal after playing with dirt.

    Three Amigos.

     Feeding a highbanker.

    Cleaning up the Mini Tromel.

    Great little machine.

Saturday morning greeted us with a bit of frost covering parts of the ground.  Without a cloud in the sky, the sun quickly warmed it up, creating a perfect day for prospecting.

    Twin Highbankers in action.

    Members working the larger Tromel.

    Our ladies out working the men.

    First nice piece of gold in a sample cleanup.

    Concentrates ready for cleanup.

    Working the Gold Cube to extract
        every piece of gold.

    Making up bags of Super Cons for the Split.

    Ah... The Gold recovered for a days work.

    Chapter dinner on Saturday night.

    Ummm Ummm Good.

    Chapter President Chris; going over the days events and the outing in whole.

    Ah, the Split...

    Choices, Choices, Choices.

    Yea... Thats the one...