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Lucky Strike, Oct '16, North Carolina Gold.

Oct '16. The Chapter headed off to Lucky Strike over 2 consecutive weekends in October as we couldn't determine a single weekend where most of the chapter could make the trip.   During each of these weekends the chapter rented the trommel and ran some highbankers also.  The first weekend there was a bit of trouble with the trommel, and the members didn't run as much pay dirt as the second weekend's crew.  The amount of gold found the second weekend was significantly greater.

Here are some photographs members took during the Outing.

     Janice working the Gold Cube.

     Les, Debbie and Ann.

     Les and Dick at the trommel.

     Les and Dick at the trommel.

     Les and Dick at the trommel.

     Hey, Time to bring over another load.

     Woody and Janice.

     Debbie at the trommel.

     Gold streak running through the Floor.

     Lucky Strike Store.

     Getting another load.

     Dick and Les at the trommel.

     Working the Gold Cube.

     Spiral Wheel ready to go.

     Spiral wheel sure beats panning.

     The Queen and her court.