October on the East Coast means there must be a GPAA Gold Show happening. This year it was held in Fletcher, NC and our chapter also added a three day outing at the LDMA Vein Mtn. facility as a bonus.
Thanks to Bob, Mike and Steve for sharing some photo's and special thanks to Steve as his RV served as both a central area for the chapter, and a dry place to get out of the storm.

Mike at the GPAA booth ready to go.
Great job Mike setting it up...

Mike and Bob chatting it up.
The Gold Show was as good as any other, with one exception. This year our chapter's members came up empty when it came to Raffle prizes. I guess after three years with winning members, it's time to start a new streak. Lets hope it not a long loosing one.
After the 2 day Gold show our chapter had the opportunity to have a three day Outing at the LDMA Vein Mtn . site. This turned into a bit of a wet and muddy adventure but a good time was had by all.