Club Outing, March. '09, Peace River, FL.
On the weekend of Apr 25-26 the Tampa Bay Fossil Club had their Open Fossil Hunt, on the peace river by Zolfo Springs. This turned out to be a perfect weekend for digging. About one hundred people were in attendance.
Just two club members, Mark and Marty, were able to attend the weekend event. They had a great time, and each headed home with several Fossils they found over the weekend. Being GPAA members, they used their knowhow of heavy material flow during flood time to choose a spot downstream away from the crowd. Here's a few photo's.


Mark with his finds.

Some of Marty's Finds.

Shark tooth up close.
Click Specific Fossils to see fossils found in the past with identifcation details, including some at the species level. Assignments by the University of Florida.