Fossil hunting, March. '15, Peace River, FL.

Saturday - March 21, 2015.
This years fossil hunting trip was a bit of a worry up until the night before. Just 2 weeks prior a storm rasied the water up over the 10 foot level, and it needs to be at 6 feet or less to work our location. Well Florida spring weather is usually very dry, and mid March didn't disapoint, as without any rain, the water dropped to 5.85 feet. This trip the water as the deepest and crossing to the location had us wading chest deep in spots. The River was running a dark brown and visability was maybe 1.5 feet at best. This day ended up being stunning with temps in the 70's. At the end of the day there was even less aches and pains since the high water meant we didn't have to bend over that far to shake the shovel fulls of rubble checking for fossils.
Just three of us made the trip this year, Bob, Pat and Woody. The fossils didn't disapoint as smaller shark teeth dominated the finds.   Now and again a piece of a turtle, or bone fragment would be found also. Below are a few photographs taken during the days adventure. Enjoy.
This years fossil hunting trip was a bit of a worry up until the night before. Just 2 weeks prior a storm rasied the water up over the 10 foot level, and it needs to be at 6 feet or less to work our location. Well Florida spring weather is usually very dry, and mid March didn't disapoint, as without any rain, the water dropped to 5.85 feet. This trip the water as the deepest and crossing to the location had us wading chest deep in spots. The River was running a dark brown and visability was maybe 1.5 feet at best. This day ended up being stunning with temps in the 70's. At the end of the day there was even less aches and pains since the high water meant we didn't have to bend over that far to shake the shovel fulls of rubble checking for fossils.
Just three of us made the trip this year, Bob, Pat and Woody. The fossils didn't disapoint as smaller shark teeth dominated the finds.   Now and again a piece of a turtle, or bone fragment would be found also. Below are a few photographs taken during the days adventure. Enjoy.

Peace River.

Bob and Pat.

Various Turtle Shell fragments.

Bone fragments.

Lots of Shark teeth with some
Ray teeth at the bottom.

Shark Teeth.

Peace River.
Click Specific Fossils to see fossils found in the past with identifcation details, including some at the species level. Assignments by the University of Florida.