Fossil hunting, Feb. '09, Ruck's Pit, Ft. Drum, Fl.
We could not of asked for a better day for this outing. Prefect weather, and lot of members sharing the adventure. I got to say that the better clams were tougher to get this time out, but several members took home some nice specimens, and some rather large Conglomerates of several clams, from as few as 10 to as large as a 100. Here's a few photo's from our outing in Feb '09. over at Ruck's Pit digging for Fossil Clams.

Mike's Got one, but is it a keeper.

Well Equip'd and hard at work.

Dave cleaning away the dirt, with a few keepers at the bottom there.

Jim and his wife Cookie searching for a good one.

Bob and Tom working at a pile.

Debbie looks like she's been at it a while.

I believe that big conglomerate went home with him.

Mark looking to get a few shots of his own.

Pat hacking away looking for a good one.

John with a good sized hole going.

Time for a break.

Working away at the pile.

Rea Lynn and Tom ready to get um.
Now for some of the Goodies.
Now for some of the Goodies.

A couple Tom and Rae Lynn Collected cleaned up a bit for our March meeting.

Tom's nice Clam Matrix.

Close up of that nice one. ( Clean Me! )

One of Bob's 1/2 Clams.

Center Crystal section of a smaller clam.

Work in progress. Center 2 inches of a 4" murex fossil.

Nice small Cluster.
Here's a few close up shots Pat Kennedy took. Great rainbow effects within the crystals.

Click Specific Fossils to see fossils found in the past with identifcation details, including some at the species level. Assignments by the University of Florida.